
One Small Change progress report

It's coming up on one week since I joined One Small Change and pledged to buy nothing my family didn't absolutely need for the month of January. I thought I would give you a quick update on how my week has gone.

  • Needed to go for a weekly grocery shop - begged G to go in my place. He's far less likely to fall into the trap of grabbing a few last-minute check-out treats. And, he has pledged to join the cause along with me and did a great job of buying only the necessities.
  • Skipped lunch before heading off to an afternoon workshop - I was so hungry (and disappointed the workshop was without snacks!) I spent the rest of the afternoon fantasizing about dashing through the drive-through on the way home to scarf down a Happy Meal. I kept driving and surprised my kids when I picked them up early from Gramma and Grampa's house.
  • A frosty winter walk ended at the local coffee shop for a hot apple cider - we desperately needed to warm up and I refused the to-go cups that we were offered. However, Nate had an allergic reaction to the cider (I suspect cross-contamination) and bad allergic mommy was caught unprepared. NEEDED to buy Benadryl (got a great head start on my 5km run training as I sprinted to the pharmacy) and ended up buying an extra treat to make my frightened kid feel better.
It's been a great week and I have really enjoyed participating in this exercise - it has forced me to really stop and question whether or not I really need a particular item. Hoping to break old habits of thoughtless buying.

Christmas jammies

My good friend (and #1 cheerleader!) AC has been bugging me to share pics of the jammies I made for the four of us for Christmas. Nate, Finny and Daddy G all got matching PJs made from a fun skull-and-cross bones flannel. In case you can't tell, those pretty pink ones are mine - made, along with G's, from the Amy Butler's Wide-Leg Lounge Pants. I used the Pajamas for Everyone pattern from Heather Ross' Weekend Sewing for the boys' PJs. We're all snug and warm in our new jammies, thankful to be inside 'cause baby it's cold outside!

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